The left scapula shows a fracture line at the level of the scapular neck with craniomedial displacement of the fragment. The left clavicle also shows a fracture line. The coracoid is intact. Soft tissue swelling is present surrounding the left shoulder joint. On the lateral radiographs the fracture lines are not clearly visible due to superimposition.
On both views the silhouette of the liver is severely enlarged. On the ventrodorsal radiograph the thoracic and abdominal air sacs are only partially visible lateral to the enlarged liver. On the lateral radiograph an ovoid, soft tissue opaque structure is visible centrally in the coelomic cavity, representing the dorsally displaced proventriculus.
Radiographic diagnoses
- Fracture of the left scapula and clavicle
- Hepatomegaly
The most likely cause for hepatomegaly is hepatic lipidosis. Differential diagnoses include infectious hepatitis and neoplasia.
Evaluation of the fracture age is difficult. The fracture ends appear blunted, however there is soft tissue swelling surrounding the left shoulder joint. It can be assumed that these are recent fractures with the soft tissue swelling representing a hematoma. The rounded appearance of the fracture margins can be artificial due to the small size of the object leading to slight blurring of small structures.