Why make it complicated,
when it can be simple?

Radiology is our passion – Vetradiologie cares for you and your patients in the area of veterinary radiology. We are here to support you with years of expertise as diagnostic experts and specialised teaching consultants.

Hundeschädel illustrierte Skelettansicht unter Röntgenstrahlung

Core areas

The heart of our business is teleradiology, in which we create customized reports for you and your patients. Under “made easy” we provide a free pool of learning material. In addition, we offer ongoing training for you and your staff.

Dogs, cats, mice —
MRI, CT, x-ray and ultrasound

We interpret your images and advise on further diagnostic options. Feel free to browse through our case studies.


Teleradiology made easy — our new tool for veterinarians. Upload your images and patient data directly online. Receive and manage your findings digitally. DSGVO compliant. Everything on one platform — simple, efficient and secure.

Vogel mit ausgebreiteten Flügeln illustrierte Skelettansicht unter Röntgenstrahlung

Made Easy

Our service for you. Simple instructions on supposedly difficult topics, free of charge and always available if you want to look something up quickly.


Dr. Nannette Stein

Dr. Sebastian Schaub

Dr. Nicola Kelleners

Dr. Lisa Schikowski

Felix von Hohnhorst

Dr. Christiane Schorn

Dr. Jan Wennemuth

Dr. Alessandro Delaude

Matthias Hartmann

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